Ms. Tiffany Westmoreland » My Classes

My Classes

Web Design I
Web Design I introduces students to the fundamental principles and techniques of designing and building websites. The course covers topics such as HTML, CSS, and basic principles of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. Students will learn how to create visually appealing and functional websites through hands-on projects and assignments. By the end of the course, students will have the skills to design and code basic websites from scratch, laying a solid foundation for further exploration in web development and design
Web Design II
Web Design II expands upon the foundational knowledge acquired in Web Design I, delving deeper into advanced concepts and techniques. Students will explore topics such as responsive web design, advanced CSS styling, JavaScript for interactivity, and frameworks/libraries such as Bootstrap or jQuery. Emphasis will be placed on refining design skills, optimizing website performance, and creating dynamic and interactive user experiences. Through hands-on projects and case studies, students will further develop their proficiency in web design and development, preparing them for more complex challenges in the field
Fundamentals of Information Technology
The Fundamentals of Information Technology class provides an introduction to the essential concepts and principles of IT. Students will explore topics such as computer hardware and software, networking fundamentals, data management, cybersecurity basics, and information systems. The course aims to equip students with a foundational understanding of how technology is used in various industries and everyday life. Through lectures, hands-on exercises, and case studies, students will develop the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively utilize and navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of information technology