Immigration Resources » Recursos de Inmigracion/Immigration Resources

Recursos de Inmigracion/Immigration Resources

A todos aquellos afectados por la incertidumbre de las políticas de inmigración actuales, especialmente nuestros estudiantes:

Curie es y siempre será un lugar acogedor para todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad.

Nuestra escuela es un refugio seguro donde cada estudiante, independientemente de su raza, origen étnico, género, orientación sexual, religión o estatus migratorio, recibe educación y preparación para el éxito.

No permitas que las políticas actuales apaguen tus esperanzas o obstaculicen tu potencial; sigan creciendo y teniendo éxito. Seamos resilientes, seamos fuertes y llevemos adelante el espíritu de determinación que define a nuestras comunidades. Dejen que sus raíces profundas los anclen a ustedes, a su familia y a nuestra comunidad mientras continuamos creciendo y prosperando juntos.

Tú perteneces aquí.

Eres valorado aqui .

Y tendras exito aqui.


To all those impacted by the uncertainty of current immigration policies and politics, especially our students:

Curie is and always will be a welcoming place for all members of our community.

Our school is a safe haven where every student, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or immigration status, is nurtured and prepared for success.

Do not allow the current policies or politics to dim your hopes or hinder your potential; continue to grow and succeed. Be resilient, be strong, and carry forward the spirit of determination that defines us. Let your deep roots anchor you, your family, and our community as we continue to grow and flourish together.

You belong here.

You are valued.

You will succeed.

Recursos y Enlaces de Inmigracion/ Immigration Resources and Links

CPS Services and Supports

Know Your Rights

Conozca Sus Derechos Flyer

Know Your Rights Flyer

Know Your Rights as An Immigrant Worker

Know Your Rights as an Immigrant Worker (Spanish) 

Constitutional Rights Cards 

Immigration Referral List (Spanish)

Family Emergency Plan (Spanish) 

Authorization to Disclose/Obtain Information 

Deportation Safety Plan (Spanish) 

Deportation Safety Plan (English) 

Here are some trusted agencies that youth and families can go to for support with immigration concerns and legal assistance

Non Profit Agencies Offering Support To Immigrants

 Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

The ICIRR Family Support Network connects immigrant communities throughout Illinois to a full range of support - social services, legal aid, policy updates, financial assistance, and law enforcement - in collaboration with member organizations.  1-855-HELP-MY-FAMILY(1-855-435-7693)  English/Spanish/Korean/Polish

Hotline Call Options:

  1. Immigrant Family Support Program (ICIRR's financial support program)
  2. Report ICE activity/Support to locate someone in ICE custody
  3. Connect with an immigration attorney
  4. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
  5. Healthcare resources for immigrants and refugees
  6. Public charge updates
  7. Workplace rights, issues, or safety for immigrants

Instituto del Progreso Latino

Enlace Chicago 

Taller de Jose 

  • 2831 W. 24th Blvd, Chicago IL 60623
  • 773-523-8320
  • Open Monday-Thursday, 9AM-12PM & 12:45PM-4:30PM, and Fridays, 9AM-12PM & 12:45PM-4PM
  • Offers health, legal, and social services 

Palenque LSNA 

Centro Romero

United We Dream 
Immigration Law Help
Talk to an immigration services provider about your immigration options. Find immigration legal help on the Immigration Advocates Network’s national directory of free or lowcost nonprofit immigration legal services providers.
Completando un plan de preparación familiar / Completing a Family Preparedness Plan