Scheduled: SPRING / 3rd Quarter
Students in the Bilingual / ESL Program are assessed annually for academic progress and promotion. Participation in the Bilingual / ESL education program will help your child attain English proficiency by using English as a Second Language (ESL) instructional method while receiving content area instruction (mathematics, science, social studies).
The current state exit criteria requires a student to have an overall composite proficiency score of 5 on ACCESS for ELLs as well as a literacy (reading / writing) composite proficiency score of 4.8 to qualify to exit the program.
ACCESS is the annual language exam that takes place every February.
The current state exit criteria requires a student to have an overall composite proficiency score of 5 on ACCESS for ELLs as well as a literacy (reading / writing) composite proficiency score of 4.8 to qualify to exit the program.
ACCESS is the annual language exam that takes place every February.